Table Of Contents
What’s Happening To My MOD Personal Accident Cover?
Alternative Insurance Providers
Why Do I Need Personal Accident Insurance?
What Should I Look For in a Personal Accident Insurance Policy?
What’s Happening To My MOD Personal Accident Cover?
In order to continue to be covered all current members will need to apply offline with the new provider (when in place) or find an alternative specialised military personal accident insurance provider online by 1 June, 2023.
It is also important to be aware of how instalments will be paid. Currently, payment is deducted from your salary and noted on your wage slip as ‘PAX pa insurance’. Future payments will not be taken via payroll but will need to be by a direct payment from your personal bank account, such as a direct debit.
Alternative Personal Accident Insurance Providers
Sometimes, military service personnel can experience difficulty in obtaining accident insurance policies similar to that of the general public. With the current insurance provider, the MOD ensures that service personnel are not disadvantaged in their ability to access privately arranged personal accident insurance due to their employment.
For service personnel who may find the new MOD policy being introduced in June no longer suits their requirements, or that of their family, there is the option of choosing a specialist military insurance company, such as Trinity, which offers products designed specifically for the armed forces community.

Why Do I Need Personal Accident Insurance?
The MOD’s Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) already provides cover for illness, injuries (or death) caused by military service. However, for service personnel looking to attain comprehensive protection, a military personal accident insurance policy should be considered.
Personal accident insurance for the armed forces will give you peace of mind that you and your familiy are protected with a lump sum cash benefit should you suffer life-changing injuries or death. It should cover you whether you are on or off military duty (if serving as a Regular or as a Reservist), and provide a variety of levels of cover to suit both individuals and military personnel with families.
We have provided some useful links below to help you in your search for a replacement.
What Should I Look For in a Personal Accident Insurance Policy?
When choosing a personal accident insurance policy, look for cover that will support all your activities, not just that of the military, and has a variety of policy levels so you only pay for what you need Make sure your military trade is also covered and that you aren’t paying a higher premium if you are considered to be in a higher risk role.
With 23 years’ of military insurance experience, Trinity is a specialist insurance provider with a personal accident product to protect you and your family. We offer four levels of cover that can cover you as an individual, a one-parent family or a family with two adults covered.
The benefits of a typical personal accident insurance policy should include:
· Full cover on and off duty
· Pay outs for total or partial permanent disablement
· Loss of a limb, toes and fingers
· Loss of eyesight, speech and hearing
· Fractures of vertebrae, pelvis, legs and arms
· Flesh wounds and facial scarring
· Coma cover, vehicle/home modification and childcare expenses