01243 817777 hello@talktotrinity.com

Product Overview

Military kit, contents and personal possessions insurance is a simple solution to protect your issued military equipment, personal items and any home contents or room contents. Our policy also includes licence to occupy.

Why do I need Military Kit Insurance?

In the event of damage, loss or theft you’d be liable to replace your armed forces-issued kit. A forces kit, contents, and personal possessions insurance policy covers for loss, damage, fire, and theft to your issued or temporary uniform and equipment. Our military kit insurance also includes your personal items such as laptops and mobile phones, as well as worldwide protection for your belongings in either your living quarters on camp or at home.

Who is this suitable for?

Regulars and Reservists serving in the United Kingdom’s Armed Forces: What service are you in?

RAF Kit Insurance
Army Kit Insurance
Navy Kit Insurance
Marines Kit Insurance


If you are transitioning out of the services, talk to us about our buildings and contents insurance. Call us on 01243 817777 or request a call-back.

Customise your cover

Our assumptions:

  • You are a UK resident
  • You are a member of the armed forces community
  • You, or any person to be insured with you, have never been declined insurance, had insurance cancelled or had special terms imposed by insurers
  • You, and no person living with you, have never been convicted of a criminal offence (excluding spent convictions), or been charged, but not yet tried with an offence involving anything other than driving
  • You, and no person living with you, have never been declared bankrupt or have any outstanding county court judgments
  • You or any person to be insured have not had any claims, losses or liabilities that would have been insured by this policy in the last 3 years

Policy Cost

Based on this level of cover, we estimate the monthly premium to be:

These are examples quotes based on pricing as of January 2022. You should ensure you take out the right level of cover for your needs.

What's covered?

  • Military issued kit and equipment
  • Personal possessions
  • Home contents or room contents
  • Licence to occupy insurance cover
  • Worldwide cover
  • Personal kit you have purchased
  • Accidental damage
  • Transit moves
  • Theft of money
  • Legal expenses
  • Glasses and contact lenses
  • Frozen food
  • Personal legal liability

What's not covered?

  • Existing or deliberate damage
  • Damage caused by mechanical faults or breakdown
  • Damage arising by wear or tear
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Why Choose Trinity?

  • We've been serving the military community for over 24 years and understand the unique needs of the armed forces community.

  • Quality protection for your military Kit. Room or home contents and personal items available to buy in a few simple steps

  • 4.7/5 for our customer service

5 tips when taking out forces kit insurance, contents and personal possessions

1. Specifying items of value when taking out your forces kit insurance is really important.

It means you are safe in the knowledge that a specific item of value is covered and your insurer provider has the details too so there will be no issue when it comes to a claim.

If you are unsure whether to specify an item (e.g a piece of jewellery, a watch) or if an item is listed on your insurance schedule, check your documents.

Trinity customers can access their documentation at any time via our secure customer portal and upload receipts and images relating to items.

2. How much cover do you really need?

You could be offered £100k of contents insurance cover but do you even have belongings worth that much in your home? We estimate around £20,000 is enough for a one-bed flat and around £40,000 for a four-bed house. Don’t be blindsided by the big numbers, just take out what you need, and don’t forget to include items stored elsewhere in your property such as your garage or loft.

Same goes for your military kit insurance cover – make sure you have enough to cover any items and understand what you would be billed by the MOD if you did lose or damage an item. For more information specific to your service type, click army kit insurance, navy kit insurance, raf kit insurance or marines kit insurance.

3. Review what you need each year (or more regularly).

Everyone is busy but it makes sense to sit down and check your level of cover still meets your current needs.

Got a new bike? Upgraded to a new TV? Moved to a new property? These things can affect your contents cover and you don’t want to be left short in the event of a claim.

4. Don’t just go for the cheapest.

It’s about getting the right policy that matches your needs. The difference in a couple of pounds a month more in premium could mean a much more comprehensive policy that meets all your needs. It’s worth a bit of research. Our customer service team is at the end of the phone (or our live chat) to help you with any questions you may have.

5. Read the small print.

You can always refer to an insurance information product document (IPID) when looking to take out insurance. These give a summary in a standard format so you can easily compare the insurance providers and make sure you are getting the right insurance for you.

Access Our Product Document


Frequently asked questions

Are legal fees included in a kit insurance policy?

Yes. If you have a legal problem and need to discuss it with someone, there is a legal helpline for you to use whichever country you are based in. In certain areas such as employment disputes, contractual disputes and personal injury you can be provided with up to £100,000 of legal expenses.

Is there a policy excess?

Excess is £50 per claim except for mobiles which is £75 per claim. In respect of goods in transit the excess is increased to £250 for claims occurring within first 3 months. For watches and pieces of jewellery over £5000 the excess is £350.

What is licence to occupy insurance?

If you live in service accommodation, you are responsible for any damage up to the sum currently advised by the MOD. In August 2011, this was set at £20,000 – this applies whether you are living as a single person or in a married quarter. Our military kit and home policy automatically provide cover should you cause any damage.

Are my belongings covered if I'm posted abroad?

When you are moving around, such as deployment or posting overseas, your belongings are covered in transit and storage if required as long as you use a professional mover. You can always give us a call if you want to check anything.

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Important Information and documents

Need to make a claim?

Call: 0808 175 4908 (freephone) Email: TRIclaims@relaltd.com (if emailing please include your policy/membership number, date of loss and a claim description)

Need help with your forces kit insurance?

Request a call back via our call back form

Send us an email at hello@talktotrinity.com

Or call us on
+44 01243817777