You are probably aware that you have an excess amount on your insurance policy, whether that is your car insurance, home insurance, pet insurance or any other insurance policies. In the event of a claim, your insurance company will ask you to contribute that amount of money towards the overall cost of whatever has gone wrong. Could excess protection help you manage those excesses in event of a claim?
For regulars, reservists, veterans, MOD civilians & contractors and forces family & friends
Excess Protection Insurance
Product Overview
Get insurance for the excess payments you have on your insurance policies with our Military Excess Protection Insurance. This low-cost insurance reimburses the excess amount stated on your policy in the event of a claim.
With prices starting at just £5.12 you could lower the overall cost of your insurance policy and have flexibility on the number of excess amounts you want to cover yourself for.
Who is this suitable for?
Regulars and Reservists serving in the United Kingdom’s Armed Forces: The Royal Navy/Royal Marines, the British Army and the Royal Air Force. Veterans and MOD civilians and contractors.

Why might I need excess protection insurance?
You are probably aware that you have excess amounts on your insurance policies and that in the event of a claim you would have to contribute that amount. Excess amounts apply to the majority of insurance policies including home insurance, car insurance and travel insurance but differ between insurers and the types of policies you hold. In most policies, the excess amounts are fixed but in some cases, there are voluntary excess amounts. Having excess protection insurance gives you peace of mind that if you need to make a claim, that amount of money will be reimbursed.
Could it save me money?
Having an excess protection policy could also save you money. You could lower the overall cost of your insurance policy by adding a voluntary excess. As a general rule if an excess payment is quite low then the price of your insurance policy is likely to be high. Increasing the excess could help bring that overall insurance premium down, especially in the case of young drivers and car insurance, and allows you to cover that higher excess amount through this insurance.
Quote examples
- To cover a total excess amount of £250
Costs £5.12 per month - To cover a total excess amount of £750
Costs £10.39 a month - To cover a total excess amount of £2000
Costs £18.67 a month
*Quotes correct as of January 2022
What's covered?
- You can have insurance for the excesses on your home insurance, car insurance, travel insurance, pet insurance and military kit and home insurance where you are the Policyholder and the Insurer you hold the policy with is UK authorised and regulated. (Please note that although we are predominately a military insurer, this product is available to anyone).
- Flexibility on the amount of excess amounts you want covered on the policy – you might just choose to cover your car insurance excess or include all applicable policies. You can select to cover an excess of £250 up to the sum of £2000 per month.
What's not covered?
- Any amounts that aren’t stated as excess amounts on your insurance policy
- A situation whereby your insurer or any other third party has waived or reimbursed your excess amount
- A claim whereby the insured is intoxicated by alcohol or under the influence of non-prescription drugs
Frequently asked questions
How do I pay for this insurance?
Payment is made by monthly direct debit from your UK bank account with collection of payment usually made on the first working day of each month.
Will I need to pay my excess in the event of a claim?
Yes – You will need to pay the excess on your Insurance claim to your insurance company you hold the policy with but then you will be able claim this back on your excess protection insurance.
How would I make a claim?
You will be required to provide the following information in support of your claim: Your contact details, your excess protection insurance policy number, the policy reference and Insurer details for the policy on which you have claimed and paid the excess on and a copy of the settlement letter showing:
– Your contact details
– The amount settled
– Nature of the incident
– The excess deducted
Excess Protection Insurance - all you need to know

Why Choose Trinity?
4.7/5 rating for customer service
No hidden charges
Easy to buy online
Important Information and documents
Excess Protection Policy Wording Policywording.pdf (2MB)
Excess Protection Insurance Product Information Document IPID.pdf (519KB)
Trinity Terms of Business Termsofbusiness.pdf (40KB)
Important documents and telephone numbers
For any help with product call 01243 817777, for claims call the claims administrator on 01285 626020
Need help?
Request a call back via our call back form
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Or call us on
+44 01243817777