Buildings and Contents Insurance
If you are a private renter or homeowner and serving, you could save by having one policy that includes your military kit cover. For every policy purchased, we’ll also donate £5 to a military charity of your choice.
Get wedding insurance through our trusted partner to cover unexpected military call up, cancellations, damage to key items including military uniform, ceremonial swords, dress uniform and more.
Protect against the unexpected including military deployment.
Our wedding insurance partner was voted Wedding Insurance Provider 2024.
With prices starting from £38.99 to protect the Bride and Groom’s special day.
Serving or Veterans wedding insurance protects you from the unexpected, and with life in the armed forces unpredictable, protecting your special day should be top of your wedding planner list.
We partner with Wedinsure, an award-winning wedding insurance specialist, to give you peace of mind that as the bride and groom, you are covered for a whole host of problems that could occur including rearrangement due to deployment (if you’re serving military), illness or injury.
Important note: cover for unforeseeable posting overseas and unavoidable and necessary duty will not apply if notice is within 16 weeks of purchasing the policy
We have partnered with Wedinsure, a specialist in wedding insurance, who offer protection in case there are any issues on your special day.
They cover weddings and civil partnerships up to a sum of £100,000.
Wedinsure suggest that you take out a policy as soon as you’ve paid for any part of the wedding and when you have selected the wedding venue and decided on the date. This will mean that your deposits are protected.
Wedinsure Wedding Insurance can be purchased a maximum of 30 months before the wedding date and must be purchased at least one month before the wedding date.
Make sure you read the documentation carefully so that it meets your protection needs.
As you start a quote, make sure you read the full policy wording and the IPID (insurance product information document) so you understand what is covered, what isn’t covered and any restrictions or terms.
As a specialist Military Insurer with over 24 years’ experience, we have been trusted by tens of thousands of your serving and ex-military colleagues to provide protection for them and their families.
From insurance for your Kit, your Buildings and Contents, Life and Critical/Serious illness, Personal Accident insurance or Travel insurance, our exceptional service has been rewarded with a 4.8/5 independent customer review rating on Feefo for the last 12 months.
At Trinity, we strive to support the whole Armed Forces Community with their protection needs.
If you are a private renter or homeowner and serving, you could save by having one policy that includes your military kit cover. For every policy purchased, we’ll also donate £5 to a military charity of your choice.
In SLA or SFA? Get a quote to cover your military kit, room or home contents and personal possessions. Licence to Occupy cover as standard.
How would your family cope financially if you were involved in a fatal or life-changing accident? Trinity’s personal accident insurance covers you for the unexpected, with sports and activities covered, starting from £9.21 a month.