For regulars, reservists, veterans, MOD civilians & contractors and forces family & friends
Military savings

Product Overview
Savings that work hard for you. Whether you’re at home or away on duty, a veteran or a friend of the forces, you want to make sure your savings are working as hard as possible with someone you can trust – that’s why we’ve joined forces with Sheffield Mutual to help you save for you and your family’s future.
Who is this suitable for?
Regulars and Reservists serving in the United Kingdom’s Armed Forces: The Royal Navy/Royal Marines, the British Army and the Royal Air Force. Veterans and MOD civilians and contractors.

Who are Sheffield Mutual?
Sheffield Mutual was founded in 1892 and are owned by their members with no external shareholders to satisfy, meaning they can provide higher potential returns by sharing surplus profits with customers. They invest in a range of low to medium risk assets with the aim of providing higher returns than would be achieved with a bank or building society.
Their philosophy is based on delivering an excellent personal experience, and you can always call to speak to a friendly member of the team.
They are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register no. 139855).
Why save with Sheffield Mutual?
- Exclusive offer for Trinity customers
- Specialists in tax-free savings and investment policies
- Plans suitable for adults and children
- Save from as little as £5 per month
- Invest between 3 and 25 years
- Free £30 Love2shop gift card (*terms apply)
- Potential for annual and final bonuses (*not guaranteed)
- Quick and easy application process
How do I apply?
Apply online quoting TRINITY16. For full terms and conditions please visit
Consider a Tax Exempt Saving Plan
Save from £5 to £25 per month
Choose your term from 10 to 25 years
Guaranteed tax-free amount on maturity for more than you will pay in plus possible bonuses*
Available in addition to your ISA allowance
It’s important to remember that the Tax Exempt Savings Plan is a long term policy. If you cash in early you may get back less than you have paid in.
* Bonuses are not guaranteed and depend on the performance of our with-profits fund.
Investment ISA
Invest from just £30 a month or £300 lump sum
No fixed term – suggested a minimum term of 3-5 years.
Potential for tax-free growth through annual and final bonuses
Access to your money should you need it*
*If you withdraw from or transfer your ISA during adverse investment conditions you may, in certain circumstances, get back less than you invested. The tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances which could change in the future.
Children's Savings
Available to all children under 18 who do not have a Child Trust Fund (CTF)
OR, if your child holds a CTF or Junior ISA elsewhere, it can be transferred to us
Save from as little as £10 per month / £100 single premium up to £4,368
Policy must be opened by the child’s parent or guardian
Top-ups can be made by anyone at any time
Potential of tax-free* investment growth through bonuses
* All references to taxation are based on the Society’s understanding of current tax legislation and practice, which may change in the future.
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Talk to Trinity! We are here to help with all of your protection needs. Call 01243 817777, email or live chat with us during office opening hours.
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