Looking after your health and wellbeing
Taking care of your physical and mental wellbeing is important to living a happy and fulfilling life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for a member of the armed forces, as it boosts energy levels, improves mood, and reduces chances of illness and injury while on and off duty.
Need help with your fitness and wellbeing?
Knowing where to get advice when it comes to your overall health and fitness can be overwhelming and can often be easily pushed aside. There are many helpful resources available to support you with your wellbeing; from fitness classes to helplines, you can find the right support for your needs with the links below.
Armed Forces Helplines
SSAFA – Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association Forces Help
SSAFA Forces Help has been serving the Armed Forces and their families for well over 100 years and their work is as vital today as it has ever been.
Continually evolving support services are driven by the current needs of the Service community. They are particularly relevant in today’s high-pressure military environment. SSAFA’s services reflect the financial, practical and emotional issues people face today and they are freely available to virtually everybody with a Service connection.
Forcesline Helpline: 0800 731 4880
Forcesline is completely independent of the military chain of command and our service is totally confidential.
Combat Stress
Combat Stress is the UK’s leading veterans’ mental health charity, treating a range of mental health conditions including PTSD, depression and anxiety.
Samaritans is a charity that provides support and a safe place for people to seek help when they are emotionally struggling. Helplines are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Helpline: 116 123
Free 24/7 text service in the UK supporting people who are finding it hard to cope emotionally in times of crisis.
Text Shout to 85258
Veteran Support Groups
Veterans UK – GOV.UK
Veterans UK is part of the Ministry of Defence offering free support to veterans and their families through Veterans Welfare Service, Injury and bereavement compensation scheme payments and the Veterans UK Helpline.
0808 1914 2 18
Help for heroes
Help for Heroes raises money to support members of the Armed Forces who have been wounded in the service of their country. If you have suffered a life-changing injury or illness whilst in service, they can offer you support with financial assistance and a long-term support network.
01980 844280
The Royal British Legion
Safeguarding the welfare, interests and memory of those who are serving or who have served in the Armed Forces.
0808 802 8080
Blind Veterans
We are Blind Veterans UK and we believe that no one who has served our country should battle blindness alone. That’s why we’re here to help with lifelong practical and emotional support which we provide to Armed Forces and National Service veterans regardless of when they served or how they lost their sight. We help veterans recover their independence and discover a life beyond sight loss.
British Military Fitness
British Military Fitness are the UK’s biggest and best loved outdoor fitness classes with over 140 outdoor venues.
Mental health awareness
A mental health charity providing metal health advice, information and support.
A mental health charity offering specialist information and support to people affected by mental illness.
Discover more using our info hub
Finance and family to recruitment for serving personnel and veterans, we have got the resources you need to get the help and support you deserve.