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Man protected by Army Insurance walks in wooded area.

Army Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide to Those Serving

In this guide, we'll explore the top insurance products designed to provide peace of mind and financial security for army personnel, their families, and veterans.

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Military Injury Claims | Trinity Insurance

Military Injury Claims: What happens if you get shot in the army in 2023?

As a member of PAX, you should be aware of the significant changes on 31st May, 2023. Read our guide to discover what is happening with your personal accident cover?

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Trinity Content Marketing Cover Photo | Trinity Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance Scheme: What’s Happening To My MOD Personal Accident Cover?

As a member of PAX, you should be aware of the significant changes on 31st May, 2023. Read our guide to discover what is happening with your personal accident cover?

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Trinity Content Marketing Cover Photo | Trinity Insurance

Military Medals: How To Replace Lost Military Medals Using Your Insurance Provider?

Military medals are bestowed as awards that reflect honour, duty and the gratitude of a nation. But what can you do when your medals are lost, stolen, or damaged?

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Untitled design 15 | Trinity Insurance

Military Pensions Guide: What Happens To Your Military Pension When You Die? 

Armed Forces personnel have a difficult and dangerous job and it’s important to know your pension will be allocated to your spouse or partner.

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Soldier crouching

10 things you might not know are included in a military kit & contents policy

Find out more about the added benefits of your policy and things it covers that you may not have realised.

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