Before we start on wedding insurance though, you might want to speak to us at Trinity, or your current provider, about the engagement ring as this might need to be a specified item based on its value. Always best to ensure the special things you want cover for are up to date on your policy.
Now onto wedding insurance. It is one of the most special days of your life and with the average wedding (including rings and honeymoon) costing around £25,000, having insurance in place makes sense. With life in the military unpredictable this becomes even more important if you were called up for military duty for example and needed to change your plans.
Through our award winning partner, Wedinsure, you get covered for unexpected military call up, cancellations, injury, illness, damage to key items that includes military uniform, ceremonial swords, dress uniform and more.
It is suggested that you take out a policy as soon as you’ve paid for any part of the wedding and when you have selected the wedding venue and decided on the date. This will mean that your deposits are protected. A policy from Wedinsure can be arranged a maximum of 30 months before the wedding date and must be purchased at least one month before the wedding date.
What are the key benefits of Wedinsure’s wedding insurance?
- 10 levels of wedding day cancellation cover
- Cover for UK and Overseas Weddings
- Cover for any of your wedding suppliers going into financial failure
- Cancellation and rearrangement
- Loss, theft or damage of the main wedding items including the ceremonial attire, wedding gifts from your wedding party, rings, flowers and/or wedding cake
- Optional cover available including an add on to cover loss or theft or damage to ceremonial swords and military wedding traditional items
Important note: cover for unforeseeable posting overseas and unavoidable and necessary duty will not apply if notice is within 16 weeks of purchasing the policy.
If you recently got engaged, many congratulations and best of luck with the wedding planning, just make sure getting a quote for wedding insurance is on the to-do list for consideration!
Get a quote here: https://talktotrinity.com/military-wedding-insurance/